CHARITY project - Webinar #7 - Intelligent Cloud Optimization: Drivers for Storage and Resource Management


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Join us for a webinar on the latest advancements in cloud and edge computing technologies for emerging applications, such as holographic events, virtual reality training, and mixed reality entertainment. CHARITY aims to leverage the benefits of intelligent, network continuum autonomous orchestration of cloud, edge, and network resources, in order to create a symbiotic relationship between low- and high-latency infrastructures.

During this webinar, you will have the opportunity to explore two presentations from experts in the field. The first presentation, by Antonios Makris, will discuss a lightweight storage framework for edge computing infrastructures and its potential benefits for the CHARITY framework. The second presentation, by Theodoros Thedoropoulos, will delve into resource usage prediction solutions and how they can be applied in the CHARITY framework to optimize the allocation of resources for different applications.

This webinar is a must-attend event for professionals and researchers interested in the latest developments in cloud/edge computing technologies and their applications. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from experts in the field and discover how the CHARITY framework can revolutionize the delivery of ubiquitous computing to NextGen application clients.

Join us to learn how to stay ahead of the curve.

The webinar will have the following agenda:

 - Introduction (Marco Di Girolamo - Hewlett Packard Enterprise): 10 min
 - A Lightweight Storage Framework for Edge Computing Infrastructures (Antonis Makris - Harokopio University of Athens):  20min
 - Exploring Resource Usage Prediction Solutions (Theodoros Theodoropoulos  - Harokopio University of Athens):  20min
 - Q&A (Marco Di Girolamo - Hewlett Packard Enterprise): 10min

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