CHARITY participates at Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum: From Cloud to Edge to IoT


On May 10th-11th the EU project EUCLoudEdgeIoT held a concertation meeting. The objective was to bring all EU projects in the domain of cloud, edge and IoT from various calls together. It was the first of such meetings after COVID-19 pandemic. All projects pitched their projects (about 3 to 4 minutes, on the basis that project was progressing for a while or relatively new) and presented the main achievements, the success stories and the lessons learned. Charity had a chance to present its achievements, continued journey and lessons learned within the other ICT-40 projects. 

Whilst it was a good opportunity to know and understand the unique specifics of different projects but the sheer number of projects (46) and the available time at hand made it hard to fully conclude on possible synergy. With a mix of formal and informal interaction and discussion with few projects (INCODE, aerOS, MLSysOps etc.) future possibilities could be explored.

For CHARITY,we see the possiblility of involvement within the Task Forces (which needs to be evaluated) with the goal to contribute to the success of the overall EU projects landscape.

The availaility of such platforms of interaction embedded with interactive agenda, are very beneficial in fostering win-win collaborations.